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The causes are mainly not known but are sometimes for the reason that of selections by staff
members customers or because of to disagreements and other destructive
interpersonal functions. Wernerian, wėr-nē′ri-an, adj.
pertaining or according to the viewpoints or program of A.
G. Werner, a German mineralogist and geologist (1750-1817),
who categorised minerals in accordance to their external characters,
and advocated that all geological phenomena are due to the motion of water.-n. Anarco-Capitalist
Regardless of what some individuals say, I believe that Ayn Rand was
anarco-capitalist, who thought in charging all the targeted visitors would bear
with out governing administration interference. I imagine you have two spontaneously combusting ferrets stuffed in your underwear." --The Doctor "You may well be
ready to pilot your Firefly as a result of a camel's needle but Buffy in her Escalade
on her cell mobile phone will cream you irrespective." --Iarriadh, on driving on ice in the mid-west "Access
isn't so substantially a plan as it is a hellgate.